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Trauma Team Adds Medical Specialities, Subtracts Frustration


When last we saw Trauma Team at E3, it was a very sawed-off preview that didn't really tell USA anything we couldn't already have guessed: the game would include doctors, patients, and of course a healthy (or unhealthy, as the subject may be) dosage of drama. Having now seen whatsoever actualised gameplay, I now know that IT too has few new things to offer, including new medical specialties, and a more forgiving bedside manner.

Six new doctors will be suiting up to work out medical crises and mysteries in Hurt Team for the Wii. In addition to the time-honored operating surgeon that we're used to, we'll now get the chance to try on the surgical gown of an orthopedic surgeon, an EMT, an endoscopist, a diagnostician, and the one I'm most excited well-nig, a forensic examiner. The exhibit I saw featured Tomoe, the endoscopist, and involved treating an ulcer. Not the sexiest procedure in the game, perhaps, but one that showed off the Wii controls quite fortunate.

Though Trauma Team won't make enjoyment of the Wii Outside Addition, information technology does take full advantage of the Wii/Nunchuk combo. Moving the Remote towards or away from the sensor bar patc holding down A and B either advances Oregon retracts your scope, giving the procedure a more touchable feel than doing the equal thing with the D-plod would. As in former Trauma titles, the Nunchuk is used to select the appropriate tool for the procedure, patc the Remote's pinpoints your target area. Barring the different procedures that the new specialties will allow, I didn't see anything that was too large a departure from previous Trauma titles, though the graphics – in particular the firing – did look rather nice. Or every bit nice as someone's insides can, anyway.

That aforementioned, I'm told that effort is going into devising Trauma Team up less frustrating for players, by being more generous with prompts and directions. Instructions on procedures will also be some more concise and clear, which hopefully means that you'll ne'er be left flailing close to wildly, nerve-wracking to work how to expend a finicky instrumental role as your patient bleeds out.

I'm also told that the timer bequeath cost removed from at least more or less of the procedures. It's theoretical to assist make Trauma Team more than accessible for casual players, but candidly, I'm thrilled to hear it. I've ne'er been one to think that a time limit increased the fun factor of any particular game, but it really got on my nerves in the Injury games. The chance to concentrate on the surgical procedure, not the clock, is welcome, indeed.

If you're a medical procedure pro, worry not: Trauma Team has incentives for playacting extremely well, though Atlus is keeping hush on what those incentives are just at the here and now.

I'm hoping to see a demo of the forensic specialty soon. More on that as soon as I birth anything. Trauma Team is scheduled for release in Spring of 2010.
